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An 828 Story 

Our CEO, Sha'Quanna Young came to Ohio in 1999 straight out of high school to pursue her dream of becoming a cosmetologist. In August of 2000 she enrolled in the Northern Institute of Cosmetology in Lorain, Ohio and after graduating she secured her first job at JcPenney. Knowing her skills were amazing she was promoted to Senior Designer within one year and Master Stylist within 5 years. 


In those years our CEO was hungry for hungry for knowledge and understanding product labels. July of 2011 she decided to step out on faith and become an independent cosmetologist contractor at Fandangle Salon in Avon, Ohio. While becoming an independent contractor was good, Sha'Quanna understood there was more.


In January of 2015, Studio 828 opened to great success!. In 2017 Sha'Quanna became an educator for the Ashtae product line! Studio 828 has been very successful over the years with a great staff and amazing customers.


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